News Archive 2009

3 December 2009
Higgs and W bosons used to illustrate story by Don Lincoln in Fermilab Today

16 October 2009
The Universe plush now available

26 August 2009
You can download a free Particle Zoo iphone app at the Apple app store through itunes. Many thanks to Richard Burgess!

25 August 2009
My trip to Fermilab flickr gallery up

24 August 2009
Waiting for the Space Shuttle carrying the neutralino with astronaut Christer Fuglesang to launch tonight! Friday

19 August 2009
The Universe In A Box – now with antiparticles.

5 August 2009
Back from Chicago and Ann Arbor and catching up on orders.
Also I'm turning 40 on Sunday so taking the day off to relax ;o)

26 July 2009
I will be at the AAPT Summer Meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Also, a photo gallery of my trip to the CDF and MINOS experiments at Fermilab will be up soon!

17 July 2009
I added a physics LOLcat page to the site. Feel free to send in yours!

16 July 2009
Particle Zoo interview in the CERN Courier.

5 June 2009
Particle Zoo interview in the CERN Bulletin.

30 May 2009
Back from a great trip to CERN! Flickr photo and video gallery here.

A proton at the Control Centre

19 May 2009
I am off to Paris for a few days of vacation and then Geneva for a day at CERN!
I have a feeling I will discover some elusive particles of chocolate while there...

18 May 2009
The biggest news came 2 hours ago in the form of a 5.0 earthquake here in Los Angeles. Other than that, please check out
the Laserfest events coming up in a city near you in 2009 and 2010! They will be giving out free limited-edition
Particle Zoo photons in red, green and blue. If you can't make it to the events, you can order a special Laserfest photon here.

19 April 2009
Read about the neutralino that will be going into space with a NASA astronaut.

8 April 2009
Tiffany Ard is an artist who sells a book entitled Pat Schrodinger's Kitty,
a takeoff on the popular Pat the Bunny book for young children. Even if you don't have
children (like me), you will want this book because it's such a wonderful idea and beautifully illustrated, yet holds sophisticated ideas in theoretical physics. A self-proclaimed science nerd, she has many other lovely items for sale on her site and in her Etsy shop.

1 April 2009
It's no joke that the particles appeared on Fermilab's splash page today!

21 March 2009
The beginning of spring is a perfect time to introduce my newest product:
Universe-in-a-Box: A complete set of 22 mini particles + booklet

13 March 2009
Fermilab physicists Heidi Schellman and Ann Heinson use Particle Zoo
plushies in demo for the discovery of the single top quark:

11 March 2009
Check out the new custom particle section.
Also, a photograph of the W and Higgs in Symmetry Breaking magazine.

15 February 2009
The antineutrinos are here!
I've updated the Whole Zoo and Antiparticle Pack to accommodate them.

3 February 2009
The data is in! The particle popularity charts are here.

19 January 2009
Whew! After the busiest holiday season ever, I am finally breathing a sigh of relief and getting particle orders out in a more timely manner. But what could make me happier than a photo of Professor Peter Higgs holding his Higgs.